
How to Choose Milling Materials for CNC Machining?(1)

How to Choose Milling Materials for CNC Machining?(1)

2022-07-12 15:28:37

In recent years, with the development of CNC machining, CNC machine tool parts are also developing. CNC machining and milling have become a necessity for many disciplines, which need to manufacture special parts for their projects. CNC materials have been expanded to meet the needs of consumers, engineers, contractors, and other fields, creating solutions for very specific applications. The key to getting the best-finished product is to choose the right materials.


There are many materials to choose from, and materials can be used for various parts with completely different purposes. Due to the wide variety of materials, choosing the right materials for your application may be a challenge. By reducing the type of processing material that is most suitable for the part, the most suitable and cost-effective material can be selected. When selecting materials, the following points need to be considered.


cnc machining


Material selection considerations


How are parts used?


Since CNC machining has been developed for many years, CNC machine tool parts have also been developed. Similar types of materials can be used in many products and produce various functions. Are parts used in medical equipment, automobile, aerospace, machinery, or industrial manufacturing?


Taking insulation as an example, the material used to insulate the breath analyzer may be different from the material used to provide insulation in the camera. They all have the same purpose, but they cannot be used in the same way or the same result type. If you use parts outdoors or in a humid environment, please use stainless steel instead of carbon steel to prevent parts from rusting.


Material properties


High-stress loading will lead to deformation and even fracture of some materials. When selecting the material of the part, be sure to consider the stress load. Parts bearing high stress need to be processed with parts that resist stress load and prevent deformation. If your part will bear high stress, the material made of it will need the necessary elements to resist the load and prevent deformation.


Dimensional tolerance


Never underestimate the importance of dimensional tolerances. It not only plays the role of material selection; It will also affects parts and assemblies, cutting methods, and the use of tools and machines. Dimensional tolerance will affect the effect and bottom line of the whole process.


You need to know the tolerance required for the part. If you are using an old part design or sketch and want to follow the past method, it is best to check again whether the tolerance is appropriate. Typos are easy to appear in documents. Even if the information is correct, you can save money by reassessing tolerances If adjustments can be made to relax tolerances and still give the best performance to the part. Tight tolerances are usually more expensive.


Standard dimensional tolerances are used by default, but if you do not specify tolerances or find the number incorrect, you will eventually order inappropriate parts. Resizing and/or reordering takes more time, and in the long run, this simple initial step can help you save money.


If you are not sure about the exact tolerance of the parts you need, please don't make an informed guess, but let a professional CNC processing company help you solve it.


Material temperature resistance


When selecting materials, the melting point of the materials must be lower than the working temperature of the process. In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether the working temperature fluctuates and whether the material needs to withstand this temperature without warping, deformation, or breakdown with time.


Although some more durable materials have been manufactured to withstand these changes, many materials will show signs of warpage, expansion, and/or cracking over time. Extreme temperatures can also hurt the durability of some materials.


When you are CNC processing materials, it is also important to understand this information, so that you can ensure that the temperature generated by the cutting and forming of parts will not deform them. Establishing a link between the operating temperature and the materials used is essential for successful design and production.


Weight and stress capacity


The weight of the processed material depends on the way the part is used.


Heavy materials can absorb a lot of pressure. For projects requiring super large bearing capacity and high-stress loads, heavy materials should be considered. However, it does not apply to weight-sensitive items.


Lightweight materials are popular in weight-sensitive projects. They are durable, can be used, and can absorb a lot of pressure, but they are more expensive. Lightweight materials are ideal for many products, but if cost is an important factor, they may not be the best choice.


Choosing between heavy and light materials is just an example of the most important features of CNC machining parts. In this way, you can specify elements that are critical to your part to make it work properly, exclude materials that do not meet these standards, and then compare costs.


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